Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day -5 and the chemo is making Casey feel pretty bad.  At least it is not constant, it comes in waves.  Tomorrow at this time he will be finished with this drug and then on to the next one. Stevie's friend Betsy, from high school is a med student here, she stopped in the other evening to visit.  It was great to see her.  It is nice to see these kids all grown up. 
The puppies enjoyed their first day at day care and have been welcomed back again.  They told us it would tire them out.  Fat chance.  They might have been tired for 2 minutes and then it snowed!  They do have a good time in the snow.  How do they still manage to come in with mud on their feet?
Thank you all for your continued support.


  1. Puppies always seem to get dirty somehow that is for sure :) I hope all is progressing well!!!

  2. We're there with you in spirit and hope that this next round will be a little easier on you all. The Puppies have a fun weekend in store if we get the snow we're promised! Love to all of you!
