Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Every day keeps getting better.  Today they came in and turned off the loud air machine!  Yeah!!  People coming in his room can wear regular masks instead of the heavy duty ones.  Apparently there is a shortage of masks because of the swine flu.  They are sending a therapist in tomorrow to try to get him out of bed, and get him ready to get out of here.  Boy would that be nice!  He has a port in his chest, so he can hook-up his own IV at home.  He's also still on oxygen.  I remember 3 years ago, when he was initially admitted to the hospital and diagnosed, it was his first time in a hospital and didn't even know what blood type he is.  Now he is hooking-up his own IV drugs and can tell you how many platelets he has. 
His counts continue to rise and all of his lab work is looking good.  The fever is gone.  He was watching TV tonight and started laughing.  Casey has a great laugh, it was good to hear it again.


  1. Oh that's great news Peggy!!! We think and pray for him every day. We saw Stevie on Sunday, it was great seeing her, she is such a nice girl. You have 2 great kids!!! Tell Casey we asked about him and hope to see him up and about very soon. He needs to get better to torment Caitlyn and get on her case. Take care of yourself and thanks for the updates, I look forward to them eveyday.

  2. I just ran into Kyle and learned of Casey's hospitalization. Just wanting you to know we're thinking of you and praying for Casey's recovery. We can only imagine what you all have been going through and just want you to know we care.
