Sunday, April 25, 2010

Casey's appointment on Friday went well. The nurses baked him a red velvet cake for his anniversary and upcoming birthday.  His white blood count is at .2, so things are not growing in there.  It is amazing that he is doing so well with no cells. 
He was at his house yesterday afternoon and Kyle came over with his dog.  I stopped by with my dogs, and the three of them had a great time.  They were running and playing non-stop.  I thought it might tire my girls such luck.  I wonder if  they are related to Emily Cameron.
So for now, we just keep hoping and praying all goes well with the donor's physical, and living as normal a life as possible while staying germ free.


  1. The waiting must be very difficult. I hope the days pass quickly and the sunshine comes back around!

    Lots of athletes on the run this weekend in
    Pittsburgh. Dick's Sporting Goods Marathon happens with a local chapter of the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training running for a cure!
