Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014

Casey and I are gearing up for another trip to Texas. In April, he went alone. He flew in one day and out the next. This trip will include a bone marrow biopsy. We will fly from Baltimore into Houston on Tuesday and from Houston to Raleigh on Thursday. Casey will stay in Chapel Hill, but I have to return to Baltimore, so I can get back to work on Friday. I did schedule my layover at RDU a lot longer than I normally do. There is nothing finer than Carolina in the spring time. Casey's swimmers are meeting him in Chapel Hill for the Meet on the Hill.
April 21st was the 8 year anniversary of Casey's original diagnosis and May 3rd was Casey's 32nd birthday. He has been living with leukemia for a quarter of his life. I never saw that one coming. Some people celebrate their transplant or remission dates. Unfortunately in Casey's case, the diagnosis date is the easiest to keep track of. Gary's yearly physical had him going to the urologist for a prostate biopsy and for a CT scan of a spot on his lung. Fortunately, we got the news on April 21st and May 2nd that they are benign. So we had a lot to celebrate. Stevie, Erik, Casey, Gary and I (and the 5 dogs) had a wonderful weekend at the beach. I am hopeful that the celebration continues on our trip to Texas next week.

1 comment:

  1. thoughts and prayers with you... a quarter of his life scary! I wondered how long it had been. Hope for great results! Cool that y9u can layover at Chapel Hill.
