Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

Today is a really good day.  Casey is feeling much better, is able to stay awake, talk and eat. They are even talking about letting him go home sometime soon.  Today is Annie and Bowie's 2nd birthday.  We will celebrate when Casey comes home.  I saw a neighbor (Chris) down in the cafeteria who was taking a dinner break while waiting for his wife to give birth to their first child.  Actually his parents are our neighbors, and he grew up with Casey.  It is so nice to see someone in here for a nice occasion.  Tomorrow is Chris's birthday, I think he is hoping his wife is in labor for another 4 1/2 hours.  I think it would be nice for the baby to share the puppies birthday.
It's time to get ready to take a walk, which includes having Casey put on a mask, unplugging his IV and making sure his hospital gown is tied shut in the back.

1 comment:

  1. Brought back greeting from the west coast boy! He swam well at his national meet and Casy would enjoy seeing the things that have changed (taller and tan) and the things that haven't (late getting to the blocks for his event!)for Taylor.
    Hoping and praying for healing and more good days.
    The Kile family
