Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, 2013

Today marks 2 weeks since we found out Casey's leukemia has returned.  Life has been crazy trying to get things arranged, so I apologize for not posting more often.
Casey and I are back in Houston for the 2nd time. We left Gary at home this trip, he will probably come out in 2 weeks.  I will return home in a week.  Casey's treatment schedule will be 4 weeks in Houston, 2 weeks at home, 4 weeks in Houston, 2 weeks at home, for a total of 5 treatment cycles.  This first cycle he will be admitted into the hospital on Tuesday and probably be there for about 12 days.  We met with the doctor today and had preliminary labs done.  Tomorrow he gets another bone marrow biopsy and a spinal, as well as other blood work.  He will have the day off on Saturday and Monday.  We are thinking of going to see Galveston.  It would be nice to see the Gulf of Mexico while we are here.  We will also go visit Charlie and Melissa Fry.  Charlie coached Casey at LAC and give him his first coaching job.  Charlie and Melissa have graciously offered to let Casey stay with them when I return home.  They will never know how much I appreciate that.  Big Bob called Charlie and told him he needs a room too, so that he can continue his vigilant hospital visits with Casey.  Charlie is very generous, but that is more than he bargained for, so he offered the dog house to Big Bob.  
I also got a phone call from Cherita at Middle Atlantic Swimming offering frequent flyer points for our next couple of flights to Houston.  I was so taken aback by their generosity, that when she called to tell me, I got choked up and tongue tied and could not appropriately express my gratitude.  The swimming community has been so wonderful and supportive.  When I picked up Casey at his house yesterday, our friend David Kupp had his guys there mulching Casey's flower beds.  Bruce Rettew dropped off a couple of dinners for Gary last night.  We may not know what we have ahead of us, but it is heartwarming to know that there are so many people behind us.  Thank all you so very much!


  1. will pray for casey and your family. It is so awsome how people come forward in time of need.

  2. Our family will be praying...we also have friends that live in Houston, so let us know if you need anything and we can put you in touch with them! Dave and Renee Alshouse (Chad's parents)

  3. Casey,
    Sorry to hear the bad news, you are in my thoughts!

