Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sorry it has been so long since I posted.  I have just been lazy.  Quick recap of what has been going on with Casey's counts.  In one weeks time his white blood count went from .1 on May 30th - 3.2 on June 5th, with the help of neulasta shots.  His count went down to 2.0 on June 7th and kept going down for a week, but 1.7 was as low as it got.  On Sunday his count went up to 2.0 and today was 3.2.  He has not had to have any transfusions for close to a week.  I am feeling pretty excited, but Casey is not letting his hopes get too high before his appointment with Dr. Ehmann next Tuesday.  I guess he has had too many disappointments to feel too confident.  Casey has been back on the pool deck part time, and he only has to go to Hershey every other day.  Life is starting to somewhat get back to normal....These puppies are still far from normal.  Life is never boring.


  1. Thanks Peggy! Have been checking daily and just assumed no news is good news. I heard Casey was on deck this weekend. You all are always on our minds and in our prayers!

  2. Happy Birthday to Peggy!!! For those who do not know, Peggy's birthday is today and she deserves to have a good one after the year she has had. She may be my little sister but she keeps catching up to me.
    Love ya!
