Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have engraftment.  No more transfusions! Casey was released from the day hospital and they are looking at removing his central line sometime soon.  At this point all he needs to do  is go up to Hershey to see his doctor once a week and watch out for graft vs. host disease.  Casey is back to coaching almost full time.  His appetite is back, but he still tires pretty easily.  Life is good! 
On Saturday afternoon we are going to the fight on foundation golf tournament at Manor Golf course.  Gary and Big Bob are playing in the tournament.  Casey and I are just going for dinner.  Casey is not quite up to playing 18 holes, and nobody really wants to play with me.  Last year for my birthday a friend gave me a golf hat the says "Tiger Wutz",  I think you might have to be PA dutch to get that one.  The fight on foundation was started by Mindy Dull in honor of her husband, Derrick. Derrick was a great guy, who lost his battle with leukemia on December 6, 2008 at the age of 24.  The foundation was started to financially help adults going through cancer treatments.  There are many hours of missed wages, but the monthly bills are still due.  This foundation allows patients to concentrate on getting better without the financial worries looming over them.  Mindy offered to help Casey, but you guys did the swim for Casey, so he has been fine.  Casey has been so fortunate to have the support of all of you!  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!


  1. That is so awesome to hear....we will continue to be praying for regaining strength and continued good health!

  2. OMG, this is such great news!Enjoy the golf game and inner....Celebrate!!

  3. Congrats to Casey and all of you, what a roller coaster ride it has been for you guys. Take it easy Casey I know that's hard for you, but take care of yourself. So happy for you :-)

  4. What awesome news! I have been following and just praying that it went well. Casey, You are just like one of my kids! Love you and your family! Glad that this is behind you! Have a great season the kids are lucky to have you you are an awesome coach!

  5. I just found this blog for the first time, thanks to our cousin Linda (Myers)Suddoth. I'm so glad to read this good news and I'm going to send this link to Jeremy.

    Jean (Witmer) Stauffer
