Friday, March 26, 2010

I love the comments!  Danny DeVito as Big Bob is perfect!  Unfortunately, I am not up on who all the actresses are.  I hope the one you have picked to play me is really hot!  I know Matthew McConaughey is.  I have been waiting many years for him to go on tour with his bongo drums.
Casey had an appointment with his oncologist today, as well as his normal clinic visit.  His white blood count was at .5 today.  He was hoping they would be over 1.0 and we could go to sectionals tomorrow for the day.  It sure is tempting to go, but we realize he has come this far so we have to hang in there for a couple of more weeks before he can be out among people. The consequences are too big.  To be around Casey you would not know he is sick.  Just bald.  He will have to have all of his baby vaccines all over again (measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, etc.)  All of that was wiped out.  I don't know if you have a traditional transplant from a vaccinated person, if you have to have all of your shots again, or if it is because of the cord blood.  Dr. Ehmann assured us that cells have engrafted, or his counts would be at zero.  Dr. Ehmann was thrilled to hear Casey was golfing and strongly encourages exercise.  He has to stay out of the sun, out of water, and away from people.  I guess he'll have to take the dogs for many walks.  Annie and Bowie are thrilled!


  1. Okay it's about time for an update, jk!!! Peggy when I think of you I think of Bette Midler so that is who I would pick to play you. I don't know you that well but from what I do know, that's who I would pick.

    Tell Casey to just chill, once his counts are up and he can be around people, he better watch out!!!! We are going to keep him so busy he is going to be wishing for a bed to lay down on!!!
    I see a big party at the end of this crap, and I will be there!!!! Remember good things take time :-)
    oops Caitlyn justed texted me from Sectionals, better get going, take care and hang in there kiddo!!! Till the next one....

  2. I have a good friend from church who is training for a marathon (her first!)for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society "Team in Training" on May 2nd. She is a part of a large group from the Central PA Chaper that will run in the Dick's Sporting Goods Marathon in Pittsburgh.
    I let her know about Casey, and thought I would let Casey and family know about her. Her name is Karen Bender. I know during some of those hard miles she has been putting in lately she has kept you in mind!
