Sunday, March 28, 2010

Casey had a good appointment this morning.  His white blood count was up to .7 his red blood has been holding steady, but here's the kicker, his platelets were at 47.  He didn't have to be transfused.  His last transfusion of platelets was on Friday. The white blood count needs to be over 1.0 for him to come out of seclusion.  They have gone up to .9 and then down to .5, so it is hard to get our hopes up.  We are at day 48, day 100 will be the first he can consider resuming any kind of normal activities.
Casey's stomach has been acting up, so they ordered some additional lab work on his pancreas as a precaution. The care he is receiving at Hershey is phenomenal.  They address every symptom, no matter how minute


  1. So glad you had a good appt. this morning. That's great that Hershey is so great with checking every thing to the T. Hope the tests come back okay, take care!!!

    We enjoyed seeing Stevie and the LAC gang at Sectionals. Didn't get to talk to Stevie but it was good seeing her as usual.

    Happy Easter to the Coble Family!!

  2. Casey,

    You let our daughter swim with the team over Thanksgiving last year we came in from the Houston area) and I just wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers. Laura asks about you often and wears your shirt with pride!
    Tom, Debbie & Laura Johns
