Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not much to report today, which is a good thing.  Casey continues to get stronger.  The nurse will stop in tomorrow to check on him and to draw blood.  I think the course of action now is to wait until the transplant.  They are looking at the beginning of November.  I will keep you posted.  I can't imagine the transplant can be any more frightening than last week.
Let's hope the Phillies play better tonight than the Eagles did today.
Here's looking forward to a good new week!


  1. NO news is good news! Is he at his house? We are close by and can run a meal over or be available if he needs something. I'll bet the Phillies game cheered him up last night!

  2. Tell Casey we think he looks like a Penn State Linebacker! We love you and miss you dearly!

    Nichols Family

  3. Caey sorry we missed you all Sunday!! Looks like your ready to torment Ashley again !!! Yipee she misses that!!!
    Love Aunt Sis

  4. Great news that Casey is home and doing so well! Love you guys!

  5. So glad to hear that Casey is home from the hospital! It sounds like everything is moving in the right direction and I will continue to keep Casey and you all in my prayers! Thanks for setting up the blog!
