Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

It has been a good, but eventful weekend.  Casey spent the weekend at his house, watching football with his buddies on Saturday and going to a swim meet on Sunday.  His swimmers surprised him at the meet.  They were wearing t-shirts they had made with his picture on the back.  The caption says "I'm a fighter" "Coach Casey Coble".  They also wore swim caps in Carolina Blue with an Orange Ribbon on them enscribed with Coach Casey.  The photo is the one from his final ACC meet, where he is flexing his muscles while climbing onto the block.  I know all his Carolina team mates remember that photo.  If anyone has any photos from the meet, please send them to me and I will post them.  It warms my heart to know so many people are out there for him.
Today his Aunt Cheryl set-up a bone marrow drive to be held on Thursday, October 29th at the Neffsville Fire Station, 200 East Oregon Road, Lancaster, from 2:00 - 7:00.  I am not sure if there is any costs invovled.  I think the going price is $25-$30.  I would have liked to be able to do something to offset the costs, but 3 days doesn't give me enough of time.  There are no needles invovled in getting tested.  It is a simple swab of the inside of your mouth.  For more information visit
Thank you all for your continued support.  It means more than you will ever know.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peggy! I am so glad I came across this blog...I went back and read all the old posts. Thanks for keeping us updated with everything.
    That was one of the funniest moments ever at ACC's! I started smiling to myself remembering how Casey threw his shirt up into the stands.
    All of you are in my are such a loving and strong family. You guys were always so much fun when you came to visit in Chapel Hill:)
    Please tell Caseo hello for me!!
    Love Amanda (Kline) McConeghy
