Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween.

Casey and Emily ended up coming home yesterday instead of Sunday, due to illness.  Emily (not Casey) came down with the flu.  I feel bad for them.  I know how much they were looking forward to the trip.  Emily qualified for states in cross country and has her state meet next week.  I hope she is feeling back to her old self by that time.  All else is going well.  The Phillies got a late start tonight, thank goodness we get an extra hour of sleep or our church would be empty tomorrow morning.

Let's go Phightin Phils


Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

WOW!  Thank you all for a fantastic turn out last night at the bone marrow drive.  Casey has arrived safely in Colorado Springs, but I wish he could have been there last night to see how many people showed up.  I am deeply touched.  I tried to talk to most of the people who came through to find out how they know Casey.  The Farfield Company (Gary's employer) was well represented. A lot of old friends, a LOT of swimmers and coaches, who don't even know Casey, but they feel a connection.  The swimming community is the best!! And a lot of people who read the newspaper article or heard it on tv or radio and want to help.  Thank you to all of the LAC parents and even ex swimmers (and of course my niece Ashley and Sister in Law Cheryl - who put the whole thing together, and brother in law Dale) who helped at the different stations.  Thank you to Rettew's Catering for the dessert tray and the iced tea.  With only 3 days notice everyone pulled together and made a successful event.  The representative from "Be the Match" was stunned with the amount of people who showed up, and the amount of money raised for them.  The tally at the end of the night was 256 people who submitted swabs, with many more people who ordered kits online because they were unable to be there.  There were also a lot of people who were there, but due to medical restrictions were not able to donate.  One of the things that touched me the most is people did not just show up out of obligation, they truly want to be the one who is The Match.  Let's Hope!
Word will never suffice....Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Casey is off to Colorado Springs.  They have a bit of snow out there.  The news is reporting about 2 feet!

He had his bone marrow tested yesterday, it will take 3 days for us to get the results.  His blood work looks great.  His counts are up to a normal persons!  The only bad news we got is they are struggling to find a match for his bone marrow transplant (so I guess he's not so normal after all).  I'm excited about what we are hearing from people who are planning on participating in the bone marrow drive today.  My neighbor has another one scheduled for December 1st at the Ephrata Rec.  You have no idea how touched we are by all the kind word and deeds people have offered.  I truly believe people are good.  Casey and Stevie made the front page of today's Lancaster newspaper. Stevie was not expecting to be photographed and had wet hair.  Casey will be admitted into the hospital for another round of chemo on Thursday, November 5th, so he and Stevie can go to the World Series game on Monday night.  Let's go Phillies!!

Annie and Bowie have finally been spayed and microchipped.  They are moving slow, which is very unusual for them.  They spent their first night since birth in seperate crates and did just fine with it.  The crates are right next to each other.

I am going to work, but plan on getting to the bone marrow drive as soon as I can.  I am really looking forward to it.

Hope to see you there,

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Big day today.  Hopefully we find out a lot at Casey's appointment with his oncologist today as far as what is happening next.  The newspaper was at our house this morining to interview Casey in preperation for the bone marrow drive tomorrow (he is such a star!). And the puppies have been dropped off for their surgery to  be spayed and microchipped. 
Casey coached a practice last night, and is planning on coaching again tonight.  He is feeling and doing good right now, and looking forward to his trip to Colorado Springs tomorrow.  If I found out anything through all of this cancer stuff, it's Casey is very in tune to his body.  If he needs a break, he will take one, or if he felt as though he couldn't make the trip, he wouldn't go.
I will keep you all posted!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cost confirmation

Cheryl just called to confirm the cost of the bone marrow testing.  They are asking for a $25.00 tax exempt donation, but it is not mandatory.  Checks can be made payable to the National Marrow Donor Program.

Monday, October 26, 2009

It has been a good, but eventful weekend.  Casey spent the weekend at his house, watching football with his buddies on Saturday and going to a swim meet on Sunday.  His swimmers surprised him at the meet.  They were wearing t-shirts they had made with his picture on the back.  The caption says "I'm a fighter" "Coach Casey Coble".  They also wore swim caps in Carolina Blue with an Orange Ribbon on them enscribed with Coach Casey.  The photo is the one from his final ACC meet, where he is flexing his muscles while climbing onto the block.  I know all his Carolina team mates remember that photo.  If anyone has any photos from the meet, please send them to me and I will post them.  It warms my heart to know so many people are out there for him.
Today his Aunt Cheryl set-up a bone marrow drive to be held on Thursday, October 29th at the Neffsville Fire Station, 200 East Oregon Road, Lancaster, from 2:00 - 7:00.  I am not sure if there is any costs invovled.  I think the going price is $25-$30.  I would have liked to be able to do something to offset the costs, but 3 days doesn't give me enough of time.  There are no needles invovled in getting tested.  It is a simple swab of the inside of your mouth.  For more information visit
Thank you all for your continued support.  It means more than you will ever know.

Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23, 2009

I have not posted in a while, because there really is nothing new to say.  Believe me, that is a good thing!  Somethings in life really make you appreciate the same old thing!  Casey asked to go out to Outback for dinner tonight.  I was thrilled.  It meant he is feeling good and I don't have to cook.  His counts are at the point now where he can go out.  Today is the last day he has to give himself his IV antibiotics.  He has gotten the ok from his doctor to go to Colorado Springs, to the Olympic Training Center on Thursday, with one of his swimmers (Emily Cameron).  Casey and his friend Kyle, were talking about when they were invited to the training center, and how much more fun it would be to go as a coach, instead of an athlete (sorry Emily).

Casey has an appointment with his doctor on Wednesday (wouldn't you know it, the day the puppies are scheduled for their surgery).  At that appointment, we should find out what is happening next. If they are any closer to finding a match, and they will probably do a bone marrow biopsy to find out if they have gotten the leukemia into remission.  They take a giant needle and stick it into the center of his bone through his hip and scrape out the bone marrow.  That is how it has been described to me, I have never gone through the procedure, nor have I ever cared to watch them do it.  They have said I can be there, but I have always gone for a walk.  All of you moms out there can understand.

Hopefully, I will be reporting in on Thursday with good news.

As always, thank you,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20, 2009

I have once again scheduled the puppies to be spayed on October 28th.  If Casey goes into the hospital again on that date I'm going to put Big Bob in charge!  Casey keeps getting stronger every day.  Last night he went on a short walk with me and the dogs.  As we were walking by the soccer field Bowie slipped her collar and decided she is going to become the next Pele.  The kids had a great time with her.  Casey's legs were a bit tired, but overall it was a great walk.
Last night we all called it quits on the Phillies game and went to bed to watch the 9th inning.  Jimmy Rollins had us all back up and cheering!!  Way to go fighting Phils!
I'm sorry, I do not know how to respond to the comments you leave.  But know we all read each and every one of them and really appreciate them.  I also want to thank all the kids at LAC who made up the box of toys, cards and books for Casey.  Katie Collins painted a beautiful picture for him, and didn't even follow numbers.  I think she is the next Picasso!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not much to report today, which is a good thing.  Casey continues to get stronger.  The nurse will stop in tomorrow to check on him and to draw blood.  I think the course of action now is to wait until the transplant.  They are looking at the beginning of November.  I will keep you posted.  I can't imagine the transplant can be any more frightening than last week.
Let's hope the Phillies play better tonight than the Eagles did today.
Here's looking forward to a good new week!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 1009

Last night Casey came home from the hospital.  He is really doing much better!!  Someone from the home nursing company stopped in last night and again this morning.  They delivered his drugs and checked him out.  The nurse this morning said his chest sounds good.  For the first time in 10 days, I had a really good nights sleep last night. 
Gary and I, went out and checked Casey's house and got some groceries.  Tonight is a good night to stay in, watch TV and eat comfort food.  Let's hope the Phillies don't walk in the game winning run again, and we will be able to keep Casey's blood pressure under control. 
Thank you to Everyone!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Every day keeps getting better.  Today they came in and turned off the loud air machine!  Yeah!!  People coming in his room can wear regular masks instead of the heavy duty ones.  Apparently there is a shortage of masks because of the swine flu.  They are sending a therapist in tomorrow to try to get him out of bed, and get him ready to get out of here.  Boy would that be nice!  He has a port in his chest, so he can hook-up his own IV at home.  He's also still on oxygen.  I remember 3 years ago, when he was initially admitted to the hospital and diagnosed, it was his first time in a hospital and didn't even know what blood type he is.  Now he is hooking-up his own IV drugs and can tell you how many platelets he has. 
His counts continue to rise and all of his lab work is looking good.  The fever is gone.  He was watching TV tonight and started laughing.  Casey has a great laugh, it was good to hear it again.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Casey had his bronchoscopy today, and all went well.  Hopefully the results will come back quickly and they can officially rule out tuberculosis and get him out of this noisy room.  They have a giant machine in here to suck up all the bad air and blow it out the window.  The volume on the television is at 75 to be able to hear it.  It will take a few days for the tests to come back, which should show where the pneumonia is coming from.  Good thing the biopy is sent to his Aunt Debbie's lab.  His counts continue to go up, his white blood count is up to 1.0 today, and his fever was under 100 all day.  I have no idea how long they plan on him being in the hospital, but he better not get used to sponge baths, breakfast in bed and people asking him every hour what they can get for him.
Casey got a nice letter from the Johannessen family today.  Their son, Lars, who is a college student has joined in on growing a mustache in support of Casey.  I think that is too funny! 
We enjoy reading all of your comments, and are touched by all of your kindness.
Today is an even better day than yesterday.  I can hardly wait until tomorrow!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Good Day!!!  The fever finally broke and his blood counts are starting to recover.  I am still holding my breath for the 4:00 hour.  He is so much better today, he actually ate some food on his own.  He is able to sit up and feed himself.  It is far from a full meal, but at least he is getting some nourishment in him. His white blood count went from 0.1 on Sunday to 0.2 yesterday and 0.6 today, which means his immune system is coming back and his body can help fight the infection instead of relying soley on the antibiotics.  He is still considered neutropenic as long as his white count is under 2.0, so he still has a way to go.  His bronchoscopy is scheduled for tomorrow. 
Big Bob was on standby, as he was not up to having anyone come to visit.  He called him today and told him to come on in.  Big Bob's wife (Dr. Bethards) would stop in during her rounds offering to help in any way.  The Bethards family is special, as is the LAC and UNC families. 
While hanging out with Casey, I have been reading Cesar Millan's new book on how to raise the perfect dog through puppyhood and beyond.  My puppies are definitely not balanced. I feel like such a failure!
I plan to return to work tomorrow
Thank you, Thank you, Thank You!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

They cancelled Casey's scope today due to low platelets.  Which would have been ok, but they never told us.  They were supposed to take him down for the procedure at 11:45 a.m.  When the infectious disease team came in at 2:30 I asked what was going on, if they forgot about him?  They checked into it and told me that it will now happen on Wednesday.  The unfortunate thing about that is they held food and beverages from him for the procedure and he actually felt as though he might have been able to eat something today. 
It is now the bewitching hour of 4:00 p.m., where everything starts going haywire with him.  All in all he does seem to be better than what he had been, but still has a long way to go.  Maybe we can watch "House" tonight and figure this all out.
Meanwhile, I have had to cancel the puppies surgery for the second time.  We have not been able to give them the attention they need, but they still love us anyway.  Aren't dogs great?
As always, thank you for your concerns, comments and prayers.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friday night Casey's fever went up to 105.5.  Gary and I put wet towels on him to try to get the fever down.  It brought it down, but it kept going back up.  He has gotten blood and platelets on a regular basis.  We came in on Saturday Morning to find him hooked up to a heart moniter.  During the night his heart rate went up and they got a cooling blanket to try to keep his fever down.  He had a rough day yesterday, but then last night he started feeling better.  When I came in this morning, he looked better than he had all week, and was a real grump.  So I knew things were turning around finally.  But now he has developed pneumonia on top of the blood infection.  They moved him into another room under isolation and negative pressure.  Tomorrow he is scheduled for a bronchioscope to try to figure out where the pneumonia is coming from.  He has more things hanging on him than a Christmas tree.  The good news is, his temperature, blood pressure and heart rate seem to be somewhat under control.
Sorry, he has not been answering phone calls, he really has not been up to it. 
I'll keep you posted.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2209

Casey still has a fever of 102.5 and is feeling pretty weak and tired.  Last night his fever was up to 104.5 and his blood pressure was down to 65/26.  They packed him up with ice and got the fever down and gave him 2 units of blood.  Today the results of the cultures are showing a bacterial infection and have started him on vancomiacin (sp?).  I'm not sure of the spelling, but I know it's good stuff!  They have given him fluids and platelets and have him on board for 2 more units of blood.  He has waves of feeling good and feeling bad.  But overall, he is much better than yesterday.  He still has not been able to eat anything, so he, and Gary, are taking a nap.  We are happy that they are headed in the right direction with his treatment.  The nurse just took his temp and it is back up to 104, blood pressure 132/62.  Right now he his feeling bad, hopefully that will turn around soon.  He was feeling perky about an hour ago, so we are just holding on for the ride.
His friend Griff called from Chapel Hill.  It is always great to hear from him.  This is alumni weekend down there.  Casey may be the alumni, but we all go down for the weekend.  There is nothing better than a beautiful fall football weekend in Carolina.  I wish we were there.  Hope you guys have a great weekend.  Go Heels!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today is not a good day.  Casey woke up not feeling well.  He took his temperature and had a fever of 100.9.  He currently has no immune system, so any temperature over 100.5 is an automatic admission into the hospital.  Till I got home from work and got him up to the Hospital, (around 12:30 pm) his fever was 102.5.  They have him hooked up to antibiotics and have taken jars and vials of blood.  My sister, Debbie, is the microbiology supervisor here at Hershey Med.  I called her on my way up here and fortunately she got things cleared for take off, and was waiting for Casey with a wheelchair.   He is back in room 6126 again.  Debbie has take his cultures down to her lab.  Special Delivery..I think everyone is impressed! 
They just picked him up to take him for a chest xray, so he's not in the room and we can talk about him.  He was unable to walk the 6 steps from his hospital bed to the stretcher without assistance. I am really no good at the nursing end of things, so I am the first person to ask for help.  If you have ever seen anyone who is neutropenic (no immune system) get a fever, you understand why I am so neurotic about him washing his hands and staying germ free.  He said he can't remember ever feeling this bad...I said that's because you were unconcious the last time.  I had to ask him if I could turn on the Phillies game.  You know he's feeling bad.  When Stevie gets sick, she whines a lot. When Casey doesn't feel good, he gets angry.  So right now, he is down right pissed off!
Keep those prayers coming!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6, 2009

Another day up at Hershey.  Casey was not feeling well this morning, his counts are way down, and he has a cough.  They took chest xrays, and said they will give us a call if anything shows up.  Right now we are in a holding pattern.  I am not sure what or when things happen next.  He will go back up on Friday to have more blood drawn and to keep him under a watchful eye. 

A lot of people have generously offered to be tested for their bone marrow.  My goal was to have an answer today, but once again the day got ahead of me.  He got a packet of info from his advocate, which I took with me today to read.  There is nothing in the information about that.  The phone number for be the match is 1-800-627-7692.  It is always after 5:00 until I can make the phone call.  I think you can order a kit which includes a swab for you to swab you mouth and send back in.  Everything that I am learing is you would then be on a National Registry and could be called by anyone to donate.  You don't have to if you are not willing or able.  They are in big need of mixed race and asian ethnicity.  Fortunately for Casey 73% of people on the registry are of Caucasion tissue type and patients are most likely to match someone of their own ethnic backgrounds.  If you are of another ethnicity other than caucasion, they would love to have you on their registry to give everyone more of a chance of a cure.

As always, we are overwhelmed with all of your kindness.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009

Casey had the weekend off of chemo, so he spent the weekend at his house.  His college friend and roomate, Yuri, spent the afternoon with him yesterday.  They watched the UNC/UVA football game together.  His friend Jenn came to see him last night, she is in the armed services (she's a graduate of the Naval Academy), so I really have a hard time keeping track of her, but we are all very proud of her. The ususal crew was also over,  Kyle was talking about an Australian tradition, where the men grow a mustache for the month of November in support of prostate cancer....So, Kyle, Derek, Tyler and Jed have declared the month of October to grow mustaches in support of Casey Coble.  If you know these guys, you understand how sweet, but whacky it is.

Casey was up at Hershey today and requried 2 pints of blood.  His counts are all way down and he is having spinal headaches from the lumbar puncture.  He didn't have a great day yesterday, his Tar Heels lost and he had a terrible headache.  Fortunately, Yuri lived with him for 4 years and knows how passionate he gets about his sports teams.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Good News, I was able to bring Casey home from the hospital tonight. Originally they had told us he would be in until Saturday, with the best case scenario possibly Friday night, depending on his counts and vitals. He called me at work around 3:30 this afternoon and said they were cutting him loose. His doctor has us prepared for fevers and all kinds of nasty stuff. He took the treatments like a trooper. I suppose all of the old college parties prepared him for the toxins he has had to ingest. A lot of his buddies from UNC have offered to help however they can (which we all really appreciate), but boys, it looks like you have done all the prep work for him!

He goes back up to the infusion room tomorrow to get his counts checked and a shot of neulasta. He is not on a restricted diet right now, but probably will be on Monday, so we stopped to get burritos on the way home. Last time we went through this, I gained 15 pounds!

Thanks again to Everyone!!

Peggy C.